Case Studies

Client Overview

A manufacturer in Northeast Arkansas partnered with Espy Services late in 2015 to gain control of their rising telecommunications costs. The organization was comprised of three regional locations and had plans to downsize to two locations in the coming eighteen months. As the company noticed their telecommunications costs continuing to rise, it was clear a cost savings strategy needed to be applied. The network was made up of multiple legacy products that came with high monthly recurring costs, but also limited operational efficiency.


Program Objectives

  • Quickly identify the cause of rising telecommunications costs.
  • Perform a complete review and analysis of the company’s telecommunications expenses.
  • Prepare for upgraded technology and services to ensure a future proof solution.
  • Provide recommendations for future cost savings through optimization of services.


  • Limited understanding and big picture view of the components of the telecommunications services.
  • Inadequate number of resources to perform complete workload in a timely and smooth manner.
  • Uncertainty of how new services would affect current business operations.

Espy Solution

  • Review of all services and contracts currently in place.
  • Research and present all best case solutions to position the company for future success.
  • Procure all pricing and new contract solutions that best fit the company’s future needs.
  • Cancel remaining unused services upon installation of new fiber products.
  • Provide an in-depth solution that will help manage services going forward.


  • Company’s telecommunications expenses were reduced from $18,350.95 to $8,193.21 (55.24%).
  • Increased bandwidth in all cases, allowing the company to better achieve success and be positioned to use new SaaS.
  • Number of services and accounts were reduced by combining services, making them easier to manage and control moving forward.
  • Company is now able to report an additional $120,000 of annual savings to their holding company.

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Client Overview

This dental manufacturer headquartered in Illinois partnered with Espy Services to gain control of their rising telecommunications costs. Through initial discussions with the client, Espy realized that there was no physical record on hand of their telecommunications network and services. Without a physical record, our client was exposed to potential redundancies and lack of sufficient services within their critical telecom environment.


Program Objectives

  • Provide a detailed report of all current services to provide transparency.
  • Gain control of telecommunications costs on an ongoing basis.
  • Allow for the preparation of future technology and services that are not currently in place.
  • Provide recommendations for immediate and future cost savings initiatives.


  • Lack of knowledge and resources at hand.
  • Lack of understanding a big picture view of the components of the telecommunications services and how they work together.
  • Lack of internal resources and time to perform inventory of services.

Espy Solution

  • Review of all services and costs currently in place.
  • Build a physical inventory file of all existing services.
  • Present recommendations of initial service changes to position the company for future success.
  • Assemble a physical inventory to provide full network transparency.


  • Client received a telecommunications inventory portfolio that provided:
    • Ease of location management (site openings, closings and acquisitions).
    • MACD (move, add, change and deletion) of service management made simple.
    • A complete overview of all services centralized into one database.
    • A tool that can be used by any employee to better understand the current telecom network.
    • The ability to note specific functions of the telecommunications network.
  • Number of services and accounts were reduced through various cost savings initiatives.
  • Client is now able to limit the long term risks associated with unknown expenses, maintaining outdated technologies and insufficient data for future strategic planning.

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Client Overview

Espy Services partnered with a city in Texas to gain control of rising telecommunications and network expenses. Through initial conversations with the city, Espy quickly identified that the city was unable to procure a contract with the appropriate protection clauses to implement an immediate cost savings strategy. Without a contract, the city was exposed to high costs for up to eighteen months while they transitioned to an upgraded network.


Program Objectives

  • Quickly gain control of rising telecommunications costs.
  • Complete review and analysis of the city’s telecommunications expenses and services.
  • Negotiate pricing and terms for an upgraded solution that would result in immediate savings while upgrade implementation took place.
  • Reduce monthly recurring amounts to result in savings that would be used to offset any upfront implementation costs.


  • The network was a legacy system, adding difficulty to incentivize the vendor to implement a short-term contract.
  • The implementation of an upgraded system could take up to 18 months to complete.
  • Without realizing savings the city would be unable to fund the project.
  • The city has very limited IT resources to oversee the end to end project implementation.

Espy Solution

  • Review of all services and contracts currently in place.
  • Build a physical inventory of all existing services.
  • Research and present all best case solutions to position the city for quick implementation of the project.
  • Procure all pricing and contract solutions that would meet the city’s project funding requirements.


  • The city received immediate cost reduction through multiple cost saving initiatives.
  • Espy negotiated a short-term contract with their existing vendor where contractual clauses allowed for the city to upgrade technology when the required funds had been saved.
  • Through partnering with Espy Services the city reduced expenses $36,000 annually, a savings of over 20% of their telecommunications costs.
  • The city now has an upgraded solution that will remain technologically relevant for the foreseeable future.

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Client Overview

A large manufacturer headquartered in the Southeast partnered with Espy Services to gain better control of their rising telecommunications cost. This organization had exponentially grown over the years by acquiring multiple business units spread across the United States. Espy quickly realized the infrastructure was comprised of mostly antiquated solutions that were billing at high monthly recurring rates. These two factors made (it) clear that a total reconciliation of accounts and services followed by optimization of the network were the necessary steps to achieve the client’s desired results.


Program Objectives

  • Reduce overall telecommunications infrastructure monthly expenses.
  • Perform a complete analysis of telecommunications services and expenses.
  • Develop a strategy to increase overall network efficiency where possible.
  • Eliminate all antiquated and unnecessary solutions.


  • Client was unaware of complete make up of infrastructure.
  • Information Technology team was spread across the various facilities in different regions adding a layer of difficulty to coordinate with different stake holders.
  • Client had multiple plans to consolidate and eliminate facilities over the next eighteen months.

Espy Solution

  • Review of all services and contracts currently in place.
  • Built a physical inventory of all services billed to the client.
  • Provided best fit solutions for the client’s short and long term plans.
  • Worked hand in hand with vendors to ensure the right solutions were put in place without any upsells of unnecessary components.


  • Espy Services reduced the annual telecommunications budget by $254,361 (21.6%).
  • Client realized more functionality from solutions presented by Espy.
  • Client had peace of mind that moving forward all solutions in place were providing utility to them.

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Client Overview

A hospital group in Central Iowa partnered with Espy Services to gain better control of their rising telecommunications costs. Through initial conversations, it was understood the hospital had an expansive data network that the current management team did not have an intimate understanding of. Espy Services quickly identified that the network was comprised of components that were requirements from previous affiliations that were no longer necessary. This caused services to be established in a manner that was not tailored to the hospital’s requirements.


Program Objectives

  • Reduce overall telecommunications infrastructure expense.
  • Perform a complete analysis of telecommunications services and expenses.
  • Establish a strategy to increase overall network efficiency where possible.
  • Provide an understanding of the services billed to the hospital.


  • Hospital was unaware of the complete make-up of the infrastructure.
  • Hospital did not have an existing budget for projects.
  • Limited IT team employed by the hospital.

Espy Solution

  • Review of all services and contracts currently in place.
  • Built a physical inventory of all services billed to the hospital.
  • Provided recommendations to optimize the hospital’s infrastructure and eliminate all unnecessary items.
  • Worked hand in hand with vendors to ensure the right solutions were put in place without any upsells of unnecessary components.


  • Espy Services reduced the annual telecommunications budget by $93,402 (71.3%).
  • Hospital realized more functionality from solutions presented by Espy Services.
  • Hospital had peace of mind that moving forward all solutions in place were providing utility to them.

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Client Overview

A town in Central Tennessee partnered with Espy Services to gain better control of their rising telecommunications costs. This town had countless IT services that were billed to them where there was minimal understanding of what was actually being provided. Espy quickly realized the infrastructure functionality was maintained by one party, but billing was taken care of by another party. This gave no assurance that the services paid for were providing utility to the town and caused costs to rise quickly out of control.


Program Objectives

  • Reduce overall telecommunications infrastructure expense.
  • Perform a complete analysis of telecommunications services and expenses.
  • Increase overall efficiency where possible.
  • Provide an understanding of the services billed to the town.


  • Client was unaware of complete make up of infrastructure.
  • Client did not have an existing budget for projects.
  • Limited IT team employed by the town.

Espy Solution

  • Review of all services and contracts currently in place.
  • Built a physical inventory of all services billed to the town.
  • Provided recommendations to optimize the town’s infrastructure and eliminate all unnecessary
  • Worked hand in hand with vendors to ensure the right solutions were put in place without any
    upsells of unnecessary components.


  • Espy Services reduced the annual telecommunications budget by $74,504 (34.9%).
  • Client realized more functionality from solutions presented by Espy.
  • Client had peace of mind that moving forward all solutions in place were providing utility to them.

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espy: es | py (e spi’ i-) vt. – pied |-py’ing

To catch sight of (something distant, partially hidden, or obscure); glimpse; discover; detect.

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