Tyler Warner

The names Tyler and I have been with Espy since 2020. At the beginning of this journey, I had applied for a Business Development Representative position on Indeed, thinking I would never land a job so close to home. Four years later, I have managed to work my way up throughout the company, gaining experience in every department, and eventually landing a pretty sweet spot working in Support Services.
Not only has this been one of the greatest jobs I have ever had, but I also get to work with some pretty amazing people. As someone who is extremely extroverted, you will probably find me pulling harmless pranks on my colleagues or laughing at myself for reasons I cannot disclose in this biography.
In my spare time, I enjoy a variety of outdoor activities, such as taking hikes with my wife and dogs, longboarding, snowboarding, attending music festivals where I can listen to some heavy dubstep and house music, kayaking, and playing pickleball. Essentially, I love engaging in any activity that allows me to be out in nature and stay physically active.
espy: es | py (e spi’ i-) vt. – pied |-py’ing
To catch sight of (something distant, partially hidden, or obscure); glimpse; discover; detect.