Industries We Serve

“US healthcare spending will rise from $4 trillion to $8.3 trillion by 2040, Deloitte estimates. This is 18.4% of the GDP.​”

– (Deloitte, 2021)


• As changes are occurring in your healthcare organization, what steps can you take to
validate your current expenses?
• Hospital leadership is drowning in data but has that data helped drive your costs down
and improve the services you need to improve your patients experience?


Depending on your answers to these questions, you may want to talk to Espy Services about vendor: Government Funding ManagementExpense Analysis, and Inventory Development.

“…(Federal) grants provide roughly 31 percent of state budgets and 23 percent of
state and local budgets combined…(they are) at historically low levels.”

– (Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2018)

Government & Education

• Have decreases in federal dollars impacted your local government’s ability to provide much needed programs to your citizens?

• Are you short-staffed due to the limited budget now available to your local government?

• Have these cuts negatively impacted your ability to monitor your multiple vendors and their unique billing & service levels?

Depending on your answers to these questions, you may want to talk to Espy Services about vendor: Expense Analysis, and Inventory Development.

Manufacturing & Warehousing

• Supply Chain is the #1 issue companies will be facing until 2024. With both supply and
manpower cost on the rise, what effective measures is your team taking to remain

• Are you ready to implement new technology to compensate for the shortage of workers?


“43 percent of manufacturing firms agreed that their top challenge for
increasing supply is the difficulty finding workers.”

– (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 2021 Survey)

Depending on your answers to these questions, you may want to talk to Espy Services about vendor: Expense Analysis, and Inventory Development.

Finance & Banking

• Will you be ready for the onslaught of new vendors, telecom/data services and fees associated with digitalization?

• Has digitalization opened up the door to an unmanageable dependence on multiple vendors and their unique: billing, service levels and increase in data dependence?

• Are you drowning in a sea of monthly invoices that cannot be effectively validated against your actual (and often times unknown) services and contract terms?

“One-third of financial services CIOs identified digital as their top business priority for 2019, up by more than 8% from last year.”

– (, 2019)

Depending on your answers to these questions, you may want to talk to Espy Services about vendor: Expense Analysis, and Inventory Development.

espy: es | py (e spi’ i-) vt. – pied |-py’ing

To catch sight of (something distant, partially hidden, or obscure); glimpse; discover; detect.

Contact Us


1501 J Street

Bedford, IN 47421

P: 812-277-1499

F: 812-675-4447



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